Monday, May 20, 2013

Sugar with My Turnip Greens—and Facebook

Well, I finally did it. I got myself on Facebook. It is one more tool in the toolkit and I am doing all right with it so far, even though I have whacked my thumb with this tool more than once. Never having been one to learn any type of software effortlessly, I am still learning the quirks of the thing. No cover photo and no profile picture, yet—definitely under construction.  Still, virtual whacks on the thumb heal more quickly than the real-life ones, so I am hanging in there.

Besides finding a way to sweeten the Facebook experience (let's keep count of how many weak metaphors I can cram in one post), I am exploring more ways to add to my newsletter mailing list. Speaking of my newsletter (look, I can do hokey segues, too.), I want to be sure to invite you to subscribe. 

Subscribing is easy. This link will take you directly to the sign-up form. For your protection, MailChimp requires a double-opt in. A tiny bit of a hassle, but worth it to feel secure that no one can sign you up without that your confirmation. Recently, I started drawings for gifts to go out coinciding with each issue and a fellow blogger, Mark G. won the very first drawing. Mark won an open edition print of "Light Amongst the Shadows." The fun provided with the drawings adds to my enjoyment of preparing the newsletter. I suppose that is a selfish, but it's the truth.


  1. Gee, Anita, somehow, I didn't picture you the way your photograph looks! I've had a Facebook account for a few years, but don't really use it to it's fullest capabilities - whatever those may be...

    1. Unfortunately, I must confess that the picture used here is extremely flattering. I keep hoping each day to get around to fixing this, but not much progress. I am still a newbie at Facebook and experimenting. I don't yet know what I will be doing with it six months from now.

      Thanks, John.

  2. Since Google announced the end of their reader, I have kind of quit following blogs altogether. Glad I spotted this though. I've replaced FB for blogging, so am glad to connect with you there.


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