Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beach Ball Classic

black mustang playing with beach ball by Anita Jesse

Click here for the larger version

Some horses, like some dogs, love playing with toys. These large balls designed to look like beach balls are popular examples of toys that provide long periods of entertainment for some horses. Our horses have not shown an interest in toys, but play "war games" with one another. They play combat and pretend they are prepared to fight to the death one minute and the next they go back to grazing side by side.

The mustang pictured here is one of those horses who is attracted to toys and was having a wonderful time with the brightly colored ball. That is when he wasn't running around the turn-out ring, chasing—or being chased—by a couple of dogs. Or, running just for the joy of having more space than usual and running to be running.


  1. Anita - so are you migrating your blog here? The "old place" is sort of home and I visit often even if I dont leave comments that often!

    Will follow you here as well.

    Is it just me, or is there a glitch with the new pictures at your blog? All I see is a X'd out box....

    1. No, I am not migrating. This blog will not be nearly so active as the "old place". I, too, still think of the old blog as home, and thank you for visiting.

      This new blog will be more for the pieces that I am showing to sell. I will post new framed pieces here; but, will continue doubling up on those posts of new work so they are seen at both sites. I will always have a link at the original site when I occasionally post here.

      Yes, I am trying to figure out a glitch with the thumbnail. I thought it might be Blogger, but as usual it appears that I messed up. I have tried one more thing and hope it works now.


Please share your thoughts with me. Comments are held for review, but I will get to them as quickly as possible. Thank you for visiting.